
An all American Engagement session

I recently finished up an engagement session with Jenn and Lenny. Both of them are active duty Military as Miltary Intelligence. I remember hearing people say things like "you're a hero for what you do" when I was in the military, and I always dismissed it as someone just expressing their patriatism, but thought it wasn't true and a bit dramatic. It wasn't until long after I was discharged that I realized that people serving in the military really are true modern day heroes. An easy way to prove this is to ask yourself a simple questions. Would you be living the life you do, and doing what you are doing at this exact moment if these people serving in uniform weren't protecting your rights to do it? The few serve the many in ways we can only imagine. Life would be drastically different if we had no guards at the front gate.'s to our warriors. Keep them in your prayers. Jenn, Lenny and myself had a hard time scheduling there E-session because Jenn was deployed to Iraq. I'm glad we finally got the chance.


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