
It's really a small world

Sarah and I just had lunch at a local Colorado Springs restaurant, and I left my cell in the truck, so I went out to get it before we ate. When I walked out to get my phone, there was some guy taking a cell phone picture of my truck. I didn't think much of it for some reason. He walked up to me and said "Hey Brad, you just shot my brother's wedding". I thought to myself, "not likely, I just moved here". But sure enough! Jay Jay was the brother of Rick back in Mobile! I DID in fact just shoot his brother's wedding (Yeah....Go Ashley and Rick). Apparently he lives here in the Springs! What are the odds of that???!!!??? Jay Jay, if you're reading this...Thanks for taking the time to tell me that! Seriously, that was really great to hear, and it made my day. Here's a picture of the culprit who followed me from Florida :)


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